Germak plays Espresso


Rolling Stone called his music tasteful and first rate. With a review like that, maybe this guy is worth checking out. Right?

Right. Andy Germak lived up to all the complimentary things written about him and then some with his performance at Shockoe Espresso on a cold, icy winter Saturday.

Rolling Stone called his music tasteful and first rate. With a review like that, maybe this guy is worth checking out. Right?

Right. Andy Germak lived up to all the complimentary things written about him and then some with his performance at Shockoe Espresso on a cold, icy winter Saturday.

A stripped-down acoustic set complete with harmonica drew up images of Bob Dylan. Upon arrival, a cover of Bad Company’s “Just What I Needed” played in the background, indicating something different in store. Tight playing coupled with pitch-perfect intonation makes Germak’s live set worth the death-defying drive under treacherous conditions. His original material is every bit as sound.

A closer look at the artist reveals a passion for his craft originating in college and honed as an adult. His influences include Leonard Cohen, Bob Dylan, Richard Buckner and Nick Drake.

According to Napster and Germak’s own Web site, his passion for acoustic music began several years ago when he was a psychology student at the University of Michigan.

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