Letter to the Editor


Dear editor and fellow tuition payers,

Our VCU police department has far too many people on staff. In this time when administrators are slashing and cutting budgets wherever they can, it seems that the one sacred cow is this campus’ finest (?).
On at least two occasions I’ve noticed three to four officers responding to a call that a single person could’ve taken care of.

Dear editor and fellow tuition payers,

Our VCU police department has far too many people on staff. In this time when administrators are slashing and cutting budgets wherever they can, it seems that the one sacred cow is this campus’ finest (?).
On at least two occasions I’ve noticed three to four officers responding to a call that a single person could’ve taken care of. I mean one, who happened to be doing a great job, was taking information and filling out a report while two others were standing around (at your expense) with their cars running doing nothing.
At one point, another call or dispatch was received, but instead of responding to it the other two saw fit to just stand there. It didn’t make sense, then again neither does the fact that programs that I enjoy are being cut all while I’m being asked to pay more each semester.
Maybe our administrators should be offered a course on fiscal/financial management and budgeting.

Tracy M. Knapp
Junior Business Administration

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