Are we there yet? The SGA has announced a winner. Hopefully these individuals will get something accomplished this year. I will lay off them for now. Just know that I shall be watching you and you better get things moving or you and your organization will once again be poked and prodded with sharp pointy sticks.
Are we there yet?
The SGA has announced a winner. Hopefully these individuals will get something accomplished this year. I will lay off them for now. Just know that I shall be watching you and you better get things moving or you and your organization will once again be poked and prodded with sharp pointy sticks.
Also, did I mention my troops that are posed to stage a military coup at the first sign that this SGA will be as unneffective as the last.
Fall break?
It seems the SGA is allowing us a fall break. That is all nice and dandy, but two days?
Is the SGA really granting us a whole two days off next semester? May I ask how two days can be considered a break? For most of us hard-working students, this is but a tease. A short breath in an otherwise over-crowded work week.
One last thing, I hope the SGA is not bitter or angry at me for bringing their inactivity to light. I am just doing my part in getting the SGA’s existence to the students. Since it seems that none of you wish to promote yourselves, I will do it for you. No press is bad press.