Comics: Slippery When Wet
"Careful, Todd" by Audrey Garrett "Slippery Slope" by Sarah Brady "Paper Hoarder" by Lauren Johnson
"Careful, Todd" by Audrey Garrett "Slippery Slope" by Sarah Brady "Paper Hoarder" by Lauren Johnson
"Love Letters" by Carleigh Ross "Get to the Point" by Sarah Brady "Metaphor Has Trouble Landing" by Audrey Garrett
"Phone Interview" by Carleigh Ross "Guilty Pleasure" by Sarah Brady "Were They Worth It" by Craig Blacksmith
"Dress to Impress" by Lauren Johnson "Imagine All the People" by Audrey Garrett "The Power of Thought" by Sarah Brady
"Debate Blues" by Sarah Brady "Class Project" by Carleigh Ross "Coping with Caffeine" by Lauren Johnson