Richmond’s airport has its first international route since the 90s — to Bermuda

Richmond’s airport has its first international route since the 90s — to Bermuda

Bermuda, a British territory located in the Atlantic Ocean, will be the first international route to and from Richmond's airport. Illustration by Ivy Saunders.

Heciel Nieves Bonilla, Contributing Writer

The first direct international route at Richmond International Airport in 12 years is set to begin at Bermuda’s capital Hamilton on June 7, according to a press release.

This comes as the Bermuda native carrier BermudAir adds multiple routes to the United States from along the East Coast.

By choosing Richmond as a location for a new route, BermudAir founder Adam Scott said, “With a deeply rooted history between Virginia and Bermuda, travelers will now have a seamless gateway to access Bermuda’s iconic crystalline waters, rich culture and renowned hospitality.”

Among other links, the first permanent settlement in Bermuda was built by the Virginia Company after part of a fleet to Jamestown shipwrecked on the island in 1609, according to Encyclopedia Virginia.

Troy Bell, marketing and air services director at Richmond Airport, said Richmond stands to benefit from the route.

“As RIC’s first international route in more than a decade, it’s big news that appears to have been well-received across RVA,” Bell said. “Benefits include cultural exchange, all the benefits associated to leisure travel and easy access to a world-class destination.”

Bell said that the airport would welcome transborder service to Canada, sees several good opportunities in the Caribbean and is meeting with air carriers about many other route opportunities.

VCU students said they were surprised by the development.

Davalyn Taylor, a third-year biology student, said she had not heard anything about the airport’s announcement. To her, the route sounds more specifically for vacations, and she does not think she will be riding.

“If they added a flight to somewhere else I guess I’d want it to be something very far and popular like Australia or Japan, some kind of business hub center,” Taylor said.

Kyleh McKormick, first-year graphic design student, said she had not heard the news either, but she may take the new flight as her study abroad program may be in Bermuda.

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