UPDATE: Hazmat situation resolved
A “hazmat situation” caused Oliver Hall to be evacuated just after 5:00 p.m. today. The Temple building was also later evacuated. Approximately five fire trucks, an ambulance and a hazmat vehicle is on the scene.

Photo credit: Talisha Williams
CT Staff
UPDATE: A “hazmat situation” at Oliver Hall was resolved just after 6:17 today. Students and staff returned to the building after VCU police and fire officials cleared the area.
Students waited outside Oliver Hall for over an hour after they were evacuated just after 5:00 p.m. The Trani Life Sciences building was not evacuated, but was also blocked off during the incident.
“They seemed to have responded pretty quickly so I’m glad it’s taken care of,” said junior Dan Pinnell. “If they consider it safe now, I consider it safe as well.”

A “hazmat situation” caused Oliver Hall to be evacuated just after 5:00 p.m. today. The Temple building was also later evacuated. Approximately five fire trucks, an ambulance and a hazmat vehicle is on the scene.
VCU sent an alert to students around 5:40 p.m. advising people to stay clear of the area. VCU Police is blocking traffic on Main and Harrison streets. Another alert sent around 6:10 p.m. said there was no threat to student safety.
An additional alert sent out at approximately 6:17 p.m. said the situation was resolved.
CT reporters are on the scene and updates will be posted when available.
I get a little worried when VCU PD calls it a "Hazmat Situation" in a VCU alert.
oh noooo