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InLight Richmond 2012 showcased its fifth annual light-based art exhibition to the public this past Friday. The festival, prepared by 1708 Gallery, took place on downtown West Broad Street along the Arts and Culture District, exhibiting thriving abstract art in a mostly LED-light format.

According to 1708 Gallery’s website, from its formation, the festival, “was intended to move sites from one year to the next as a way to highlight unique parts of the city and reach out to different audiences.”

The event began with a parade at 7:30 p.m. with participants walking down West Broad Street with hand-crafted lanterns of all sorts. Followers, walking up and down the designated streets, got the full light show experience with various galleries and 21 works of contemporary art; even VCUarts’ Kinetic Imaging Department took pride in showcasing some works of their own to the community.

Reporting by Alyssa Sims

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