Letter to the editor
OK, so I just read an opinion article in this paper about Sarah Palin and I found it to be quite offensive. First of all, the picture, which depicted Palin as the devil, was enough for me to get offended over-but that was just the beginning.
You then went on to say Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is the most unqualified person to ever vie for a spot in the White House.
OK, so I just read an opinion article in this paper about Sarah Palin and I found it to be quite offensive. First of all, the picture, which depicted Palin as the devil, was enough for me to get offended over-but that was just the beginning.
You then went on to say Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin is the most unqualified person to ever vie for a spot in the White House. Are you serious? First of all, she is trying to be vice president, not president. It seems most people are forgetting that. Second, she was a city council member prior to becoming a very successful mayor for six years. Then, she became governor of Alaska in 2006. That’s right-governor. That means you are in charge of running an entire state. In fact, she is the only person in this election that has done that. Not only has she done it, but she has done it well. The last time I checked she had about a 70 percent approval.
I bet the Democrat-led congress would love to see numbers like that. Palin passed a landmark ethics reform bill and used the veto to cut wasteful budgetary spending. She prevented the Gravina Island Bridge, also known as the “Bridge to Nowhere” from being built that would have cost taxpayers close to $400 million. The list could go on and on as far as accomplishments she has had. In fact, that brings me to my next point.
What experience does Sen. Barack Obama have? What has he led? Nothing. When has he led? Never. How much executive experience does he have? Zero. The fact that you suggest that Palin is unqualified to be vice president, but yet Obama is prepared to be the leader of the free world is laughable. You said that Palin scares you, well let me tell you what scares me.
The thought of Obama being president is frightening, and it has nothing to do with his race or religion. It has to do with the fact that his economic and social policies will cost the American tax payers nearly $850 billion in Obama’s first four years, according to Obama’s Web site.
Obama spent his time in the Illinois state Senate, before becoming a U.S. senator. In his time there he voted “present” over 130 times, more than any other state senator. He could not decide, and he wants to be president. Obama says he has been against the Iraq War from the start; however in 2004 he said that, “There’s not that much difference between my position and George Bush’s position at this stage.” He also stated time and again that the “troop surge” would not succeed, yet, last week he finally admitted that it had. Yet he still wouldn’t admit that he was wrong in the first place. What a guy.
Speaking of poor judgment, I just can’t get cozy to the idea of a president who is friends with someone like William Ayers. Ayers led an American terrorist group that set off bombs at the Pentagon. Also, someone like Tony Rezko, who currently resides in prison for being corrupt, taking kickbacks, and for having ties to the mafia. Sorry, I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried. Let’s not forget Rev. Jeremiah Wright, the man who was Obama’s “spiritual mentor” until he was exposed for being a racist anti-American. I guess it’s not politically correct to have a friend that goes around saying that American people created the AIDS virus to kill African Americans, or “God (expletive) America.”
I want to keep this short, so I’ll get back to Palin. You suggested she doesn’t have a clue as to what “women’s rights” are. The last time I checked, Palin is a woman. Just because she holds a different personal opinion on something does not make her any less of a woman than you. Also, she never tried to impose any anti-abortion legislation in her time as governor.
As far as the environment goes, she was the chair of Alaska Conservation Commission (2003-2004) and announced plans to create sub a cabinet group of advisors to address climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Alaska. She also sought $1.1 million in federal funds to help communities threatened by coastal erosion and other effects. You went on to suggest that if polar bears are not put on the endangered species list, they could be killed by hunters. Really? Killed by hunters? Do you really believe that?
I find the bias in this newspaper toward Obama to be a little unsettling. For instance, it is front-page news anytime something even remotely concerning Obama happens in the area, yet you made no mention of McCain when he was in Richmond in January. Also, you made no mention of the 23,000 people, including myself, that attended the McCain/Palin rally in Fairfax, Va. A little mention of McCain every once in awhile in a non-negative fashion would be refreshing.
In conclusion, I want to say that this election is not about Palin. It is about McCain versus Obama. It is about lowering taxes and small government versus raising taxes and expanding the government even more. It is about experience and leadership versus youthfulness and poor judgment. Now is not the time to roll the dice, America, it is time to elect John McCain. Now let’s see if this gets printed.
Lee Vogler
Editor’s Response
Dear Mr. Vogler,
It appears you were slightly offended by my editorial piece about Gov. Sarah Palin. I thought I should address your concerns, as you appear to believe I wrote things I did not, in fact, write.
I did say Palin was the most unqualified person ever to seek a spot in the White House, however I did not forget she is running for vice president, not president. Vice presidents are second in command in this country, and also spend a solid amount of time in the White House.
You also say Sen. Barack Obama has no experience. Then a few paragraphs later you mention how Obama has been a U.S. Senator of Illinois since 2005. That sounds like experience to me. It is unfair and untrue when you say Obama has no experience “leading” anything. I will say he is not the most weathered candidate, but it must be admitted that Obama actually does have prior political experience.
Palin may have not ended up going through with the construction of the Gravina Island Bridge, but she did not save the taxpayers any money, because she did not give the money back. Therefore, no money was saved because Palin is holding on to it for “other projects.”
As for the women’s rights issue. Being a woman does not necessarily mean you support women’s rights. Palin does not have a concept of women’s rights. I am sure she knows what they are, but that does not mean she has an understanding of why they are so vital, given her political standpoints. I never said Palin is less of a woman than I am and furthermore, I said nothing about anti-abortion legislation. I simply said Palin is against abortion and I do not think my rights as a woman are secure as long as Palin were to be vice president.
As for the polar bears: I do believe that if they are taken off the list of endangered species, they will fall prey to hunters. If the species is not endangered, they are free for anybody to harm. I am not saying this is why Palin wants them off the list, that is another issue, but I do believe hunting will be a consequence of that, no matter how minimal.
To address your final issue, The Commonwealth Times is not a biased newspaper. We are an independent student press and while I write with a bias, I am allowed to because I am the Opinion Editor, which is a pretty self-explanatory title.
I do not know why The CT did not report on Sen. John McCain when he was in Richmond in January, but I can assure you if he or Palin were to come down here at any point – now or in the future – it would be something that would be covered by The CT.
If you would like to submit anything else, you are more than welcome. I hope I have addressed your concerns as a reader. Good day.
Sarah Sonies
Opinion Editor