Sarah Palin–awful for people and polar bears
The thought of waking up Nov. 5, 2008, with Sarah Palin second in command of this country makes me want to do something from the “Stuff White People Like” blog and threaten to move to Canada.
I have not yet figured out if I really want to throw out my never-been-used United States passport and relocate to a new, chillier climate-but I heard Montreal is nice in the fall, and I’m really getting sick of the humid weather in Richmond.
The thought of waking up Nov. 5, 2008, with Sarah Palin second in command of this country makes me want to do something from the “Stuff White People Like” blog and threaten to move to Canada.
I have not yet figured out if I really want to throw out my never-been-used United States passport and relocate to a new, chillier climate-but I heard Montreal is nice in the fall, and I’m really getting sick of the humid weather in Richmond.
More to the point, however, I hate Sarah Palin. I hate her so much I cannot even bring myself to write a numbered list of things that I dislike about her. It would be endless.
The United States has had eight years of President George W. Bush and I still think Palin is the most unqualified person possible to run for a slot in the White House.
For example, in her interview with Charles Gibson of ABC Sept. 11, Palin said, the ability to see Russia from Alaska gave her insight into the Russia-Georgia conflict, because it gives a “perspective on how small our world is.” While it might be true that it is a “small world,” that is like claiming knowledge of foreign policy by saying Cuba is visible from the coast of Florida.
Palin also seemed to have only a faint idea of what the “Bush Doctrine” is, until Gibson explained it in laymen’s terms for her. The full transcript is posted on the ABC News Web site. I strongly urge everyone to read or to watch the interview. Hearing Palin sit down one-on-one with a journalist is different from watching her make a speech at the Republican Convention. During her Convention speech, she had the floor entirely to herself; there was no one asking her specific questions.
The questions Palin was asked in her ABC interview seemed pretty simple; they were questions a vice-presidential candidate should be able to answer without spinning the responses-no matter how eloquently the answer was spun. Simply put, I do not trust this backwoods, moose-shooting woman from a state known mainly for polar bears and oil to help lead my country. She is bad news.
It is obvious by now that Sen. John McCain vetted her because Sen. Barack Obama did not choose Sen. Hillary Clinton as his running mate. However, if I were McCain, I would fire my vetting team.
People can say whatever they want about Clinton, but if she was in office, I would feel certain my rights as a woman would be secure. Palin has no concept of “women’s rights,” but she does have a concept of what “God wants.” God does not help run this country. Take a look at the Constitution.
According to the ABC News Web site, Palin is very much against abortion, even in the cases of rape.
She opposes stem-cell research and very much supports the right-wing agenda. She is not a feminist and, as a nation, I think we should be ashamed there is a possibility of a woman so backwards doing one of the most important jobs in the country. I am all for a woman president; however, I do not think any woman should be able to have the job.
Palin’s views on abstinence-only sex education are obviously fantastic-just take a look at Palin’s 17-year-old six-months-pregnant daughter. Palin justifies the pregnancy because, her daughter, Bristol, is keeping the baby and marrying the father. How is getting pregnant at the age of 17 “OK” in any way, shape or form?
I think this is a message to Conservatives everywhere, that this type of sex-education is anything but a “good” education. Palin’s daughter is joining Jamie-Lynn Spears in the teen-mom statistic club.
Palin also hates polar bears. According to an article from The Associated Press, “Palin opposes the Bush administration’s decision to list polar bears as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act,” because she fears it will harm oil-and-gas development in Alaska.
The polar bears not only are losing some of their cold climate because of global warming, but also would be fair game for hunters if McCain and Palin are elected. People should leave the polar bears alone; what have they done to us?
It amazes me that someone so pretty on the outside, who has such a killer pair of legs, can be so ugly on the inside. I do not think it’s cute that she’s a “pit-bull who wears lipstick.” Palin is a former beauty queen, who appears to right-wing conservatives. Someone give her a cookie for being pretty and make her go away.