Stuff happens
The Commonwealth Times formally apologizes for the expletive that appeared in the letter to the editor in the Jan. 26 issue titled “Parking woes.”
We would like to take this opportunity to explain our policy on these types of issues.
When our staff receives letters to the editor, we attempt to remain as true as possible to the author’s words in order to convey their feelings regarding the subject about which they are writing.
The Commonwealth Times formally apologizes for the expletive that appeared in the letter to the editor in the Jan. 26 issue titled “Parking woes.”
We would like to take this opportunity to explain our policy on these types of issues.
When our staff receives letters to the editor, we attempt to remain as true as possible to the author’s words in order to convey their feelings regarding the subject about which they are writing.
However, when letters contain bad grammar, curse words or are libelous in any way, we do reserve the right to edit them for content as we see fit.
Unfortunately, the expletive that appeared in the last issue was overlooked and therefore printed.
The Commonwealth Times strives to provide its readers with quality reading, and our staff regrets this error.
Katie Gantt
Executive Editor
A letter to the editor in the last issue had a word in it rhyming with “fit” that should have been changed to a more suitable synonym. Our policy is to edit submissions for grammatical errors, including foul language. We regret the error and will keep the page free of such expletives in the future.
Maggie Souza
Editor of the Editorial Pages