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what to do on weekends

where to find a knitting/reading/D&D group

where to worship God/Satan/Morissey

where to find the best vegan food/bison burger, etc.

If you have tips on any of these things, let us know!

If you have any upcoming events, exhibitions, meetings, worship services, concerts or anything else you’d like to note, there’s no easier way to let the entire VCU community know.

what to do on weekends

where to find a knitting/reading/D&D group

where to worship God/Satan/Morissey

where to find the best vegan food/bison burger, etc.

If you have tips on any of these things, let us know!

If you have any upcoming events, exhibitions, meetings, worship services, concerts or anything else you’d like to note, there’s no easier way to let the entire VCU community know.


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