‘Salon’ finds critics in the crowd


For most audiences, it’s generally an unspoken rule that you do not talk back to the movie screen, call out to the singer who hits the wrong note or offer suggestions on how to perfect the pirouette to the dancer onstage. With VCU Dance’s “The Salon,” the rules have changed.

For most audiences, it’s generally an unspoken rule that you do not talk back to the movie screen, call out to the singer who hits the wrong note or offer suggestions on how to perfect the pirouette to the dancer onstage. With VCU Dance’s “The Salon,” the rules have changed.

For its audience members, talking is not only allowed. It’s encouraged. As for dance and choreography students, thick skin is very necessary.

During the informal workshop, the audience will weigh in on students’ performances using an organized, four-step format called Critical Response Process, developed by renowned choreographer Liz Lerman. The premise is that such open and honest dialogue will help artists create their pieces.

But, in order for the CRP to work students must be willing to submit their work to public scrutiny-the good and the bad. To their credit, dancers get the last word. One rule of CRP requires respondents to obtain the artist’s permission to ask questions and offer critiques.

For workshop leader Margot Greenlee, who works as education coordinator and project director for dance programs at Liz Lerman Dance Exchange in Washington, D.C., the workshop purpose is two-fold: to excite students about going back into the studio and to assuage the societal taboo associated with outspokenness.

The Salon takes place Friday, Oct. 28, at 2 p.m. in the VCU Dance Center, Studio 203, at 10 N. Brunswick St. Admission is free and open to the public.

“In our culture, opinion-giving is rampant and sometimes destructive,” Greenlee said. “With CRP, the artists and viewers talk to each other in a way that supports the artist’s goals. The discussion is respectful and challenging.”

Guests will first warm up their critiquing skills on cookies. The critiquing process can be applied to anything a person creates, Greenlee said.

“I think audience members and artists have a lot to learn from each other about perception, interpretation and transformation.”

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