Hillel of Richmond brings students together
With Rosh Hashanah signaling the beginning of the Jewish New Year, the Hillel of Richmond sponsored a dinner party and carpool service so its members could celebrate the September-October holiday at the local temple.
“It is one of the major Jewish holidays,” said Lisa Looney, Hillel’s adviser.
With Rosh Hashanah signaling the beginning of the Jewish New Year, the Hillel of Richmond sponsored a dinner party and carpool service so its members could celebrate the September-October holiday at the local temple.
“It is one of the major Jewish holidays,” said Lisa Looney, Hillel’s adviser. “It is so important it is referred to as a High Holy Day and is a time for Jews to ask God for forgiveness for any wrongdoings as well as celebrate the New Year.”
Hillel of Richmond, a Jewish student organization, seeks to provide social, educational, religious and cultural programs for students at the University of Richmond and VCU.
The Rosh Hashanah dinner took place in the Fan Square apartment of Abbie Stewart, Hillel’s publicity chair. Besides serving as host for the event, she said her responsibility was to get the word out to students about the organization.
“I think it is important for people to have a place where they can be with people they have something in common with,” said Stewart, an undergraduate communication arts and design major.
“Any Jewish student is invited to become a member,” Looney said. “All a Jewish student has to do is contact a board member or myself to be added to our listserv.”
Patricia Arans, an undergraduate English major who attended as a first-time member, said she plans to attend more Hillel events.
“I’ve always known about Hillel but never actually celebrated any Jewish holidays. I did it for the cultural experience,” she said.
Other members said they joined Hillel so they, too, can celebrate the Jewish tradition even though they are away from their families.
“I joined because I felt the need to connect with people and learn more about Judaism,” Stewart said.
Besides the dinner, the organization offers events with guest speakers such as local rabbis and professors plus community members who discuss topics of Jewish concern. Students, Stewart said, also socialize at the barbecue on the James River, at kickball and on movie nights.