Letters to the Editor


To the Editor:

In response to Lyz Holder’s latest editorial on Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, “A Clue for America,” I applaud her capacity to be moved by the words of a man I personally believe to be one of the most ethically upstanding human beings of our times.

To the Editor:

In response to Lyz Holder’s latest editorial on Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, “A Clue for America,” I applaud her capacity to be moved by the words of a man I personally believe to be one of the most ethically upstanding human beings of our times.

But here is the irony of Ms. Holder’s affinity for Dennis Kucinich: some time ago Ms. Holder wrote of her disdain for vegans and their constant proselytizing about the obscenities of factory farming. I wonder now; would she be surprised to learn that Dennis Kucinich is a vegan?

For ethical vegans such as myself, Dennis Kucinich’s veganism is no surprise at all, but instead a natural and essential outward manifestation of the innermost ideals supporting social justice, environmental stewardship, compassion and peace. A myriad of people claim to be in favor of these things, but vegans, like Dennis Kucinich, live their ideals.


April Kung

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