Choldlabor activist encourages involvement


Craig Kielburger told students and faculty who attended the World Studies Student Research Conference about the inspiration for his organization Free the Children: a young Pakistani boy who was trapped in a carpet factory.

The boy managed to free himself and spoke against child labor and the exploitation of children.

Craig Kielburger told students and faculty who attended the World Studies Student Research Conference about the inspiration for his organization Free the Children: a young Pakistani boy who was trapped in a carpet factory.

The boy managed to free himself and spoke against child labor and the exploitation of children. When the boy returned home people who opposed his attempts at ending child exploitation murdered him.

After reading about this, Kielburger gathered some of his fellow seventh graders and they decided to see what they could do. They began to give speeches, circulate petitions and raise money for the cause. To date Kielburger has traveled to 40 countries.

After describing his beginnings, Kielburger showed pictures of children working in dangerous conditions. One depicted an Indian girl who worked in a firework factory who was surrounded by fireworks. He told the audience the doors are kept locked and all it takes is one spark to start a fire.

Kielburger said American consumers spent $400 billion on cigarettes, $180 billion on beer and $40 billion playing golf last year alone.

“All it would take to put every single child in the world through school is anywhere from $10- to $15- billion in additional funding,” Kielburger said. “$10- to $15- billion is what the United States spent last year on cosmetics.”

Kielburger also said eliminating poverty does not have to be just an idealistic dream.

“Our world has more than enough,” Kielburger said. “We have the resources to eliminate the extreme form of poverty. The question is if we truly care.”

Kielburger also explained that everyone can get involved because everyone has something they care deeply about.

“We each have an issue and we each have a gift. Use that gift for social justice. Gift plus issue equals changed world.”

Casey Burke, a sophomore mechanical engineer student didn’t know what to expect coming into the lecture but said she thought it was great.

“It was uplifting,” Burke said. “(It) made me feel like I could do something. I wish the whole university could be here.”

Julian Thompson, a sophomore double majoring in political science and psychology originally came to the lecture for extra credit, but said he learned a great deal.

“I thought the lecture was very informative. It’s nice to see students take initiative and have an impact on the world,” Thompson said.

Kielburger told the audience an inspirational quote from Mother Teresa to encourage them to get involved.

“We can’t all do great things, we can only do small things with great love.”

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