Where Have All the Floors Gone?
We are all familiar with VCU’s infamous construction schemes. We’ve fought them, protested, spoke out against the budget and its strange mechanics. We’ve all said phrases like, “How can they build these monstrocities when we can’t even get into a class?” We complain that we don’t need a new addition to the University Student Commons (what is going to be in that thing anyways?), or we are annoyed that we have to wear a hard hat on the way to class.
We are all familiar with VCU’s infamous construction schemes. We’ve fought them, protested, spoke out against the budget and its strange mechanics. We’ve all said phrases like, “How can they build these monstrocities when we can’t even get into a class?” We complain that we don’t need a new addition to the University Student Commons (what is going to be in that thing anyways?), or we are annoyed that we have to wear a hard hat on the way to class. But, folks, we’ve had it easy up until now. The nuisances were so minor compared to the atrocity I found myself in on the first day of school. Yes Virginia, I am talking about VCU’s School of Business Building.
We have no floors! And the construction smell that accompanies this eyesore is even worse. How can I concentrate on the Ancient Greeks when I am getting high off turpentine and asbestos? These rooms are beyond uncomfortable; they are hazardous.
I remember giving tours to all the prospective students this past summer. They would ask what a typical classroom was like and I would tell them. “Oh, you know, they aren’t much different than your high school ones…four walls, a ceiling and a floor with a bunch of desks.” I lied.
There are no floors. But how was I to know that VCU thinks it is okay to begin a construction project only to finish half a year later? Yes, yes, the power and prestige lie in the heart of our strong academic programs. But the classroom is the home of our academic programs. It is the shell that contains them, it is the body of our academic soul, and it is in dire need of a makeover…but not during the academic year!
I’m all for the renovation of our buildings. I’m sure you can tell by my disappointment in their current dispicable conditions. But I am not asking too much by wishing that the renovations take place, say, in the summer, or during Christmas break, anywhere but during my Monday morning class! And hasn’t your mother ever told you never to start a project only to leave it unfinished? That is exactly what VCU has done and it is unacceptable. For now, we can only chip in and buy one of those dorm rugs that guy was selling outside. As for the rancid unhealthy stench, I can only recommend gas masks.