Letter to the Editor
Zmarak Khan lays out his plans for the SGA and VCU
First and foremost, I would like to thank all of those who voted in the Student Government Association elections held in early April. I would also like to thank my opponents, Samantha Marsh/Myo Myint and Hitesh Petal/Ali Khan for their dedication to such a great cause and interest in the well being of the student body. I would especially like to thank those who voted for me – those who believed that I am the best person for the job. I am grateful to those individuals and will work hard to ensure that such trust isn’t misplaced. I hope to represent the interests of every student and hope to accomplish something tangible during my tenure. I plan to do everything in my power to make the changes I promised: extending library hours, creating a stronger voice for the student body, and making Student Government Association (SGA) more visible on campus.
One of my main endeavors will be to increase the visibility and importance of the SGA to new and current students. The main purpose of the SGA is to represent the student body; it is an organization geared towards identifying and addressing the concerns of every student. As president, I will ensure that the SGA’s purpose is carried out to the fullest. I will request that SGA representatives make every effort to meet and communicate with students. Now more than ever, the students of VCU will need to participate in student government to ensure that our voice is heard in quantity.
I also plan to develop an extensive administration to ensure that the many facets of student life are addressed. I will make sure that the members of my team are intelligent, hardworking, and passionate individuals who are as dedicated to supporting and represent the student body as I am.
I will strive to bring more integration among the student body of VCU. To accomplish this task, I plan to create a presidential round table for all student organizations. The purpose of this group will be to have a representative from each active organization to get together with SGA’s executive staff to discuss their concerns and share current information with one another. That way, if the Greek students are concerned about an issue, more than just the Greeks will address it.
Additionally, I would like to have a representative to the faculty senate, who will serve as a bridge between the faculty and the students.
Finally, I hope to create both a Political Action Committee that will represent the students of VCU downtown in the general assembly and a student liaison to the City Council to bring a student’s perspective to city officials.
I am excited about the upcoming year and see nothing but good things in our future. As the voice for the student body, I invite all of you to contact me to voice your questions or concerns, whatever they may be. Together, we can make VCU the best campus around! I am looking forward to meeting and working with all of you.
Zmarak Khan
SGA president-elect
(804) 869-6655
e-mail: s2zkhan@vcu.edu