Soap Box


Well, it seems that my prediction was correct. There is a recount. In a move paralleling the presidential election of 2000, our own SGA’s presidency has been contested. So it will be that much longer before we know who won. This move strengthens my claim to the presidency.

Well, it seems that my prediction was correct. There is a recount. In a move paralleling the presidential election of 2000, our own SGA’s presidency has been contested. So it will be that much longer before we know who won.

This move strengthens my claim to the presidency. MercuryZero and I still maintain we are the rightful elected officials, and the SGA seems to agree with us. Since it was contested, the SGA has posted this information.

This marks the third thing our glorious SGA has done in the past year. For your convenience, here is a quick rundown of all the important things the SGA has brought us this year, as stated on their Web site:

1. Proclamation Honoring Dr. John Bennett Fenn.

Good call. Fenn deserves it!

2. Constitutional amendment Granting SGA right to deem traditions at Virginia Commonwealth University.

So, the SGA can deem traditions. Yeah, I’m impressed, too.

3. Constitutional amendment Abolishing the elections committee and establishing an elections Officer.

This results in a contested election. You see the election committee, which has the task of deciding who won the election, was unfortunately abolished by the SGA. Who thought that one out?

As you can tell, the SGA has done many vastly important things for us, the students. I am glad they are working so hard to help us out.

I don’t know what I would do without the SGA, that secret band of people who apparently meet for the sole purpose to plan events, and beg for our votes. I voted, did you?

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