Men’s basketball season ticket price increases by 5%

Season tickets rose by $24 to $499 this season, due to an additional home game. CT File Photo
Nile McNair, Contributing Writer
The men’s basketball season starts Nov. 5 in a game against St. Francis, but attendance could be affected by an increase in the price of season tickets.
Prices for season tickets increased this year from $475 to $499 per ticket. Kevin Jackson, associate athletic director for external operations, says the reason for the increase is the one additional home game this season.
All season ticket purchases require a donation to the Ram Athletic Fund, and different donation amounts determine access to special seating, A-10 and NCAA Tournament ticket availability, away games and special events.
“Season tickets revolve around donations to the Ram Athletic Fund, all those donations allow you to sit in a certain area,” Jackson said. “Afterward, the ticket price is the same price no matter where you’re seated in the arena bowl.”
Benefits associated with season tickets include pregame areas with food and beverages for some ticket holders based on donation amounts.
“Another main benefit with us being downtown is that season ticket holders are the only ones who can buy a season-long parking pass,” Jackson said. “They’re either parking at one of the surface lots next to the building or the Bowe or Broad street parking decks.”
Many men’s basketball fans think that home games are some of the biggest events the city has to offer, including VCU alumnus Nicholas Hooks.
“There isn’t much that Richmond has to offer so a lot of people seem to [be] at VCU basketball for that local entertainment,” said Hooks, who graduated in 2018.
A price increase in season tickets has some holders questioning if season tickets are worth it.
“I wouldn’t buy it for the price of it,” said Elisha Dukes, a VCU junior. “I understand it’s your school and as … alumni you’re supposed to support, but for $500 a season ticket is a bit overpriced.”
Season tickets guarantee the chance to experience the men’s team in action every time they play at home. Alumnus Joshua Towne says this experience is one of the main reasons he got his season tickets this year.
“I got my tickets due to my friends going to games, and I missed that school spirit that VCU gives,” Towne said.
There was a total of 5,000 season tickets before they were put on sale in July. Currently, there are less than 400 season tickets remaining, and that number is dwindling.
If the remaining season tickets aren’t sold, they will be broken down and offered as individual game tickets. Single-game tickets went on sale Oct.16.
To purchase tickets, visit, call the ticket office at 804-828-RAMS or email