More than 50 years after it was built, Cabaniss Hall is vacant


Photo by Wessam Hazaymeh

Anya Sczerzenie, Contributing Writer

Cabaniss Hall, a community-style residence hall that formerly held VCU freshmen, is vacant this year, according to housing spokeswoman Jessica Buchanan. 

“It’s not currently being used as a dorm,” Buchanan said. 

A look inside the building reveals that it is not currently inhabited, with rooms full of empty chairs, recycling bins and other signs of cleanup. Photo by Wessam Hazaymeh

The 10-story building is on the MCV campus. It housed 423 students when it was active. According to the VCU Housing website, it featured single and double rooms with community-style hall bathrooms. 

The hall is no longer listed on the VCU Housing website, although it is still marked on Google Maps as Cabaniss Hall.

A look inside the building reveals that it is not currently inhabited, with rooms full of empty chairs, recycling bins and other signs of cleanup. 

Students who have lived in Cabaniss in the past said the residence hall had issues, including signs of mold. 

“When I stayed in there my freshman year, that’s when I saw mold. Hopefully they renovate it,” said Regina Dixon, a second-year dental student. “It’s a good structure. I think one of their biggest problems was that things weren’t working.”

This change comes a year after the construction of Gladding Residence Center, known as GRC, which predominantly houses freshmen. 

In August, the Campus Connector concluded its routes. VCU signed a three-year, $4.65 million contract with GRTC to increase bus ridership. It took effect in June.

It is unclear when Cabaniss will be torn down, but the VCU Master Plan includes plans for the “proposed demolition.” The space occupied by Cabaniss may become a pedestrian plaza in the future.

“The proposed demolition of Cabaniss Hall will provide for a strong pedestrian connection from 8th Street,” page 85 of the Master Plan states. “While a main entrance from the proposed Transdisciplinary Neurosciences Building will help activate the new pedestrian plaza.”

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