What’s happening: Jan. 23 events calendar

See something

Big Screen Classics: “Forrest Gump”

Wed., Jan. 23   

Enjoy a screening of “Forrest Gump” (1994) at the Byrd Theatre in Carytown. Winner of six Academy Awards, this iconic film is directed by Robert Zemeckis and written by Winston Groom, starring Tom Hanks, Rebecca Williams and Sally Field. Tickets are $5.

7:15-9:45 p.m., The Byrd Theatre (2908 W. Cary St.)

Emilio’s Presents: VCUarts Music

Fri., Jan. 25

Visit Emilio’s for Spanish cuisine and live entertainment provided by various students and alumni of the VCU Department of Music. For more information, visit Emilio’s RVA on Facebook.

7-9 p.m., Emilio’s (1847 W. Broad St.)

Do something

Blood Drive

Wed., Jan. 23

Alpha Phi Omega and the American Red Cross are sponsoring a blood drive in the ballrooms of the Student Commons. Walk-ins are welcome, but an appointment can be scheduled at redcrossblood.org. Eat well, stay hydrated and bring an ID before donating.

10 a.m.-7 p.m., University Student Commons (907 Floyd Ave.)

SMC Open House

Fri., Jan. 25

Visit the Student Media Center and get involved with an independent media organization on campus. Joinable publications include: Amendment Literary and Art Journal, Emanata, Ink Magazine, River City Fashion Uprising, Pwatem, WVCW and The Commonwealth Times.

3-5 p.m., Student Media Center (817 W. Broad St.)

RVA Sneaker Ball

Fri., Jan. 25

Wear a favorite pair of sneakers to the inaugural RVA Sneaker Ball, presented by VCU Athletics. General admission tickets are $60, including access to an open bar, hors d’oeuvres, a casino and a silent auction. A portion of every ticket sale will be donated to Children’s Hospital Foundation. For more information, visit rvasneakerball.com.

8 p.m.-Midnight, Siegel Center (1200 W Broad St.)

Learn something

Part-Time Job Fair

Wed., Jan. 23

Find opportunities for part-time and hourly employment on-campus and off-campus. Pre-register on Handshake, or check in at the door.

2-5 p.m., University Student Commons (907 Floyd Ave.)

Student Organization Fair

Fri., Jan. 25

Learn how to get involved with more than 500 registered student organizations on campus. The fair will be on the second floor of the Student Commons.

11 a.m.-2 p.m., University Student Commons (907 Floyd Ave.)

Student Budget Workshop

Mon., Jan. 28

Join Off-Campus Student Services to learn basic budgeting skills, including living expenses, savings, debt and personal value.

Noon-1 p.m.

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