The CT Love Connection: Nick Fagan
“I just got a rat tail. Some lucky lady’s gonna be real happy about that one.”
The CT Love Connection
Nick Fagan
Sophomore, sculpture
What he sent us
About You: I’m an art student at VCU, and I am loving it. I’m a pretty chill guy who likes to hang out with my buddies and likes to meet new people. I love music. I don’t play anything. I like a lot of indie stuff and chill wave.
What You’re Looking For: Cute girl who is chill and likes art. Someone who is easy to talk to and fun to be around.
Our interview with Nick
NF I really like to work with my hands. … I pretty much came here because it’s a really good school for sculpture. I had a really good time with my teachers in AFO. It’s like a community down there. It’s really fun to just be there and work.
CT What have you worked on recently?
NF I work in series a lot, so the subject matter changes. But right now I’m really interested in, like, the internet and blogging. Blog stars, people who just blog a lot, and (how people) try to idolize them.
CT Do you think Facebook is on its way out?
NF No. … No.
CT Tell us about a typical week for Nick Fagan.
NF Well, this weekend I was actually celebrating. I got into an art show in Virginia Beach.
CT Oh, congratulations.
NF But pretty much I’m always in the studio. About 12 hours, usually, in a day. … Just working constantly. And when the weekend rolls around, like, I usually just go out, like go buck wild. Go to parties. Nonstop. … Until I have to get work done.
CT Life on the edge.
NF I’m also really into biking. I bike a lot. And also I’m into casual rock climbing.
CT Think back over the story of your life. What would you consider your biggest success? Your proudest moment.
NF Probably the first time selling my art for a lot of money. It was in high school. It was just this weird drawing I did, but someone bought it for like 300 bucks. I was pretty pumped about that. I didn’t even know the person. So that was like … <vocalization of amazement>. … She was from Austin, Texas, and just like saw my stuff on Facebook and was like, “I have to have this.”
CT This might be harder. Tell us about your biggest disappointment.
NF Hmm. That’s hard.
CT Don’t think too hard. When you think “failure,” what comes to mind?
NF I guess I tried really hard with this one girl, like a year back. Like, did the whole thing. Like, dates, and all that. But never got anywhere. Just tried my ass off and nothing happened.
CT Was there a specific moment when this realization occurred?
NF Like, where I knew I failed?
CT Or was it more diffuse than that?
NF I remember I was at a party. … It was this Christmas party, and I had a red blazer on. I asked a friend about (the girl), and he was like, “Honestly, she’s just not into you.” I was so pissed. And there was this blazing trash-can fire outside. And I just threw my blazer in the fire because I was so pissed.
CT Whoa.
NF And people were just like, “Yeah, he’s just like throwing things into the fire now.” I was just so pissed in a drunken … mess.
CT Assuming that a hypothetical young lady is, in fact, into you – what would your ideal date with her be like?
NF You’d first go on a bike ride somewhere, like a pretty chill ride, like to some food place, like a food cart or something. Pretty mellow. … And then keep on biking to some cool, like, spot, where you can just explore for a while. And as it gets darker you just go back to someone’s house, where you like, watch a couple movies, and like … jam out.
CT Jam out.
NF On like, some music. Just listen to music and go like f—ing apeshit, like in a room. … And, I don’t know, sleep and cuddle. And build a fort. That would be great.
CT What is the most private information about yourself you’d be willing to share with the greater VCU community? … Don’t think too hard.
NF I guess one time I like ran out of a room naked to get a condom. … I had a flannel covering my front and the rest just buck naked, and I ran outside this house and knocked on the door next door. There were plenty of people there. I was just like, “Does anyone have a condom?”
CT That’s very responsible of you.
NF I was like, “I don’t care right now. I don’t know these people.”
CT And you did get one?
NF Yeah. I did. … Also, I just got a rat tail. Can you put that in there? I just cut it last night. <turns around to reveal rat tail>
CT Oh that is charming.
NF Some lucky lady’s gonna be real happy about that one.
Photos by Mel Kobran