Photo of the day: Ticked-off Blaine Taylor or VCU-hating license plate?
Vote in our Photo of the Day poll.
CT Sports staff
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Here at The CT Sports, we usually like to do the work for you guys, be it through writing articles or choosing photos. But, between these two photos taken by CT Sports staffers yesterday at VCU’s victory over ODU in Norfolk, we have no idea which one better qualifies for our Photo of the Day.
So, because of that, we’re leaving the selection up to you: Vote in our poll below on which of the two photos you enjoy more.
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THe plate isn’t even hers, it belongs to a guy named justin… unless justin has made some physical changes….
Justin got a job, and a real license plate. Hence why that one expired in April 11 (also, after March of 11, you wouldn’t want that plate anyway)