In honor of No-Shave November, The CT will track the beard cultivation progress of four VCU students who will abandon their razors for the entire month. Each issue during the one-month, hair growing bonanza will document their progress. (Follow their updates here.)
Question: What’s your most fond childhood memory involving a beard?
Aaron Mavck
Theater – Freshman
“I would do those mall Santa things when I was a kid, and I pulled Santa’s beard this one time and realized that it kind of came off and wasn’t real. A lot of realities crumbled in that moment.”
James Patterson
AFO – Freshman
“My grandfather’s beard used to always rub me on the head when he hugged me, and I would be like, ‘Oh, Grandpa!’”
Travis Risinger
Marketing – Sophomore
“My dad started growing a playoff beard when I started playing hockey. That’s about it.”
Sean Williams
Psychology – Senior
“I remember my Dad shaved his beard for the first time when I was like 5, and it was terrible. It was like a whole new man coming in and out of the house. He was unrecognizable.”