Interesting People
‘A blonde girl punched me’
REBECCA WEIL, sophomore anthropology major
AMBER GAULDIN, sophomore psychology and anthropology double major
CT What went on with you guys this weekend?
RW Uh, uhhh, aha, AHAHA.
AG It was my birthday this weekend. It was kind of crazy.
CT Oh, happy birthday. How did it go?
AG I got punched in the head.
CT You got punched in the head?
AG On my birthday. You wanna feel it?
CT Of course I want to feel it.
AG It’s right there. (pulls back bangs)
CT Jesus Christ.
CT Note: It felt juicy and ripe, like a sun-warmed summer apricot.
AG I don’t remember that though, so it’s fine … I mean I got a concussion, but.
CT And neither of you remember how it happened?
RW (to AG) Um, are you comfortable with me–?
AG (to RW) I mean, you remember, I don’t.
RW (to AG) I’m asking if you’re comfortable with me sharing the entire story.
AG (to RW) Sure. I mean, maybe not so many details, but yeah.
RW Well, okay so … It was her birthday, and we’re having this crazy party. We invited like 80 people that were supposed to show up. Two hundred people end up showing up at this party. Most of them – actually, literally everywhere we went there was people that we knew, so it wasn’t like strangers were showing up. It was all friendly faces.
I would say maybe an hour after it was her birthday, I walk into the room and I see her and I’m like, “Oh my God, what happened?” She’s like, “Somebody punched me.” But we don’t know who it is, still don’t know who it is.
AG A blonde girl, apparently.
RW And so the party ended after that.
AG A blonde girl punched me!
RW From Idlewood it took us, about … an hour to get home.
AG I am a stumbler … This doesn’t happen often, OK? It was my birthday.
CT Of course.
RW We attempt to cross the street, and that doesn’t really end so well. She kinda starts eating the sidewalk.
CT Oh dear.
AG It was like a slow process. (reenacts eating the sidewalk)
AG Yeah, I don’t know.
WANTED: Blonde girl who punches people on their birthdays
Information leading to the identification (and eventual CT interview) of this individual will be rewarded.
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Photos by Mel Kobran