SGA Election 2010
Erica Terrini
News Editor
The polls are open and the Spring 2010 Student Government Association Elections are well underway after candidates participated in an Executive Debate Monday night. Students were able to vote Tuesday.
Candidates are in the final stages of their campaigns and are putting in face time with students before the polls close Thursday at 11:59 p.m. The debate was the last event planned that provided students with the opportunity to hear candidate platforms and responses to student questions.
“The debate was actually pretty successful. However, I wish that more students could have attended because a lot of people don’t know what we do,” said SGA presidential candidate Adele McClure. “We’re constantly telling people our platforms and if people would have been at the debate, they would have seen all three tickets–exactly what our platforms are and how we feel about each other’s platforms.”
McClure said if elected, she would try to bridge the gap between SGA and the student body.
SGA presidential candidate Joshua Ronk stated in an e-mail he also thought the debate went well. He stated he was pleased with the turnout and questions from the audience.
“I was glad to see student talking about transparency and communication between the University, the SGA, and the student body,” Ronk stated. “… I hope that our party’s message rang true and resonated with students. In reality, what we all should be doing is taking note of student concerns and working to answer them because regardless of what part of the SGA we’re all involved in, our job is to be advocates for the student body.”
The final SGA presidential candidate, Kanwar Bir Singh Anand, could not be reached for comment.
During the debate, Anand said he wanted to focus on providing more students with textbooks and upholding the diversity at VCU.
Josie Mace, the elections committee chair, said candidates were able to make opening statements, which were followed by a series of questions. SGA presidential candidates responded to three questions and vice presidential candidates answered two.
Questions directed to the presidential candidates addressed candidates’ qualifications, their ability to handle disagreements and conflicts, and how they will tackle the recent budget shortfall.
Reuban Rodriguez, the associate vice provost and dean of students, moderated the questions. Mace said this was the first year Rodriguez acted as moderator for the debate.
According to Mace, the SGA Elections Committee will count the votes after the polls close and publish results Friday morning.
To vote in the 2010 SGA Elections, visit
SGA Tickets:
Joshua Ronk, SGA presidential candidate
Lisa Opie, SGA vice presidential candidate
Adele McClure, SGA presidential candidate
Joshua Maye, SGA vice presidential candidate
Kanwar Singh Anand, SGA presidential candidate
Jim Thompson, SGA vice presidential candidate