Opinion Notice: DO YOU WANT MY JOB???


Sadly, my chickadees, I am off to the real world at the end of this semester. As my name will not grace the pages of the CT for very much longer, someone will have to fill my coffee-and-ink-stained desk.

My original plan was to clone myself and call him Whiney Randy, but unfortunately he decanted with a brain disorder that causes him to just say “lower taxes, government takeover!” I think it was because he was cloned in Texas …

After I sent Randy back to Texas, I realized I had to find someone who could fill my shoes, so naturally I thought someone here at VCU might want it.

I can’t just give you a job though—this is America. There has to be an election, and an appointment of the position by the Executive Editor. I can however recommend you, and there is a way you can win my recommendation.

To put yourself in the running for my recommendation for the Opinion Editor position, you will have to write me an opinion. I would like for whomever is interested to write an opinion on the recently passed health care bill, or a subject which you have strong feelings about.  Dot your i’s, cross your t’s and cite your sources please.

Did I mention you get paid? Don’t send me a question about the job unless you write me something, I hope to hear from VCU’s best and brightest very soon.

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