Does Richmond have what it takes to host an annual Fashion Week?


Erin Brennan

Contributing Writer

Artsy, hipster, urban

That’s the common description Richmond locals use when asked to describe the fashion scene of the city. Still, when presented with the idea of a “Richmond Fashion Week,” the question remains. Does the city really hold the necessary potential to warrant this elaborate, large-scale annual event? Do residents even care enough about fashion?

Richmond is the Virginia state capitol – not the fashion capitol. When the average individual thinks of fashion shows, they picture upscale, elite runway shows in Europe, New York City, and Los Angeles. Most would say Richmond doesn’t have the scale to bring in comparable audiences.

Richmond, better known as “RVA” to the fashion week team, is home to Virginia Commonwealth University, which invites a vast variety of students representing different cultures, backgrounds and ideas. The combination of these factors influences the fashion spectrum of the city. Carytown and the West End also represent the fashion industry of Richmond. These shopping outlets house boutiques that carry designer clothing lines at reasonable prices. This is not an option for surrounding areas – forcing outside residents to travel to Richmond for specialized shopping. By capturing the diversity Richmond holds with fashion, arts, and entertainment and combining it all into one large-scale event, is the ultimate goal of the RVA Fashion Week team. “Inspiration for fashion surrounds this city, we’re just ready to prove it,” says Director of Richmond Fashion Week, Joey McCullough.

New Future. Historic Past.

“As an industrial and corporate hub, its hard for people to wrap their minds around Richmond being known for something else,” says last year’s founder, Jason Primrose.  “We (RVA Fashion Week team) believe that it’s time to start thinking about our new future and incorporate pieces of our past.”

This is the exact mindset that was used when choosing locations around the city to showcase the event.  Nightlife Promos Inc. implemented these ideas by carefully planning their venue choices. NLP is the head promotional company producing this year’s RVA Fashion Week. Owners Jimmy Budd and Joey McCullough are hosting these shows and previews all over Richmond in both historic and up-and-coming locations. Some legendary places included in the week are the Main Street Train Station and the Tobacco Company. New and recently premiered venues include Vault nightclub and Center Stage.

Growth in a Diverse Market.

Budd feels that this is a rapidly growing industry through out the media, and that NLP has the appropriate tools and resources to make this event not only successful but, annual and better each preceding year. Each year they gain more recognition as a company as they build relationships with sponsors and media representatives.

“I’ve noticed the stronger media groups (that focus on bringing popular showcases to RVA) are finally becoming more cosmopolitan. Not only are the pinky’s pointing in this upward direction, but so are its’ followers” Budd said.

It is obvious that the RVA Fashion Week Team is more than confident that Richmond is nothing less than a perfect location to host a Fashion Week. They interact with each other as family, but work together as professionals. The team has all the ingredients to make a successful, annual fashion week. These young professionals have gained participation of almost thirty local boutiques and several unique venues. By having a team comprised of experienced fashion and event coordinators, they have the opportunity to expose Richmond’s very unique fashion scene. They strongly feel that Richmond should be represented within its own identity, not to follow in the shadow of any other major city.

“We just want to showcase Richmond as the best Richmond can be” Primrose said.

RVA Fashion Week is going to include fashion but art and entertainment. The team has sought out independent designers, local, national, and international retailers, as well as local musical talent to provide resources and products to create something that promises to leave a footstep on Richmond.  Perhaps this is will be a “monument-al” event.

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