Jonathan Says


I was going to write something about this being my final opinion to grace the pages of The Commonwealth Times. I was going to find some strange way to compare my tenure as sports editor to that of John Elway as the quarterback of the Denver Broncos. For the sake of the few of you that put up with my writing, I decided not to.

I was going to write something about this being my final opinion to grace the pages of The Commonwealth Times. I was going to find some strange way to compare my tenure as sports editor to that of John Elway as the quarterback of the Denver Broncos. For the sake of the few of you that put up with my writing, I decided not to. I’m going to keep it brief . on to my final thoughts .


Everyone stop whining. Coaches, players and fans alike-stop whining. The Bowl Championship Series isn’t necessarily a bad system. How do I know? The people who are in the lead aren’t the ones complaining. Do you see Nick Saban complaining about the BCS? How about Urban Meyer? No, you don’t and it’s because the only people who complain are those getting the short end of the stick. So what’s the solution? Win ball games and win your conference. Instead of trying to win a battle in the media, win it on the field. Yes, a playoff system would probably be better in the long run, but until a change is made, the BCS is what we have. Until then, just win on the field and worry about the rest later.


Plaxico, Plaxico . oh Plaxico. It seems not to long ago that I wrote something about him oversleeping a team meeting and being relegated to my dumb-athletes list. Well, consider him a lifetime member with a subscription to the monthly club magazine. I realize that in the wake of Sean Taylor’s murder, athletes are trying to protect themselves in anyway possible. However, if you are going to do so by carrying a gun, at least have the proper paper work for it and the good sense to keep the safety on. If you cannot handle either of these things, at least have the good sense to keep it in a vehicle. Mr. Burress, you fail. Shooting yourself with your own gun is slightly below making out with a relative on the “list of embarrassing things” list. Good luck getting the New York Giants to trust you enough to give you major dollars for the years to come, your suspension and getting that membership with the National Rifle Association.

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