Letters to the Editor


Dear Editor,

As this semester comes to an end and the next one approaches, it’s time to think about textbooks again. Which ones to keep, which ones to sell? Will you be looking early for next semester’s required texts, or waiting until add/drop week? Buying books online, waiting in line or taking a chance with the stacks at the James Branch Cabell Library?

If you want yet another option, VCU has one-the university maintains a book-trading Web site for students.

Dear Editor,

As this semester comes to an end and the next one approaches, it’s time to think about textbooks again. Which ones to keep, which ones to sell? Will you be looking early for next semester’s required texts, or waiting until add/drop week? Buying books online, waiting in line or taking a chance with the stacks at the James Branch Cabell Library?

If you want yet another option, VCU has one-the university maintains a book-trading Web site for students. Anyone who is familiar with Craigslist or eBay knows the concept; students can sell and buy textbooks directly to and from each other. There is no middle man; you set the price. The students involved are the only ones who profit from the transaction.

Consider the benefit in this example: You paid $27 for a used textbook for American Government. Now that the semester is over, and as a “student of American politics,” you’d like to sell the book back for some cash. Based on actual prices listed on the Web site, Virginia Book Company offers you $11 if the condition is still good. You could take the money and buy lunch, or list the text on our book-trading Web site.

However, if you sell the text directly to another student for $20, you both benefit. The buyer saves $7, and you make $9 more than the typical “buy-back” price, almost recouping the expense of the book. Now, you’ve got money for two lunches.

This is only an example. I think Virginia Book Company is a great store; I make a point of buying all my school supplies there, as well as the texts I can’t find on the book-trading Web site. Moreover, it’s important to support local businesses – especially when the next closest option is a corporate monstrosity that smells like a greasy ham sandwich – has managed to shove all textbooks in a corner behind the latest Dean Koontz novel, and invariably charges more money for books than the local alternative.

Students be advised-you have another option. I’m encouraging everyone on both campuses to take a look at the book-trading Web site. It is free, easy to use and recently has been reorganized and updated. The only requirement is a university e-mail address used to log in when you buy or sell.

Ben Nelson
Communications and Technology Committee
VCU Student Government Association

Dear Editor,

When an opinion editor for a university publication makes an elementary proofreading error, it still shocks me. In the Nov. 10 edition of The CT opinion section, Sarah Sonies wrote, “It is about America avoiding a mess by putting ‘more another’ unqualified candidate in the White House.” Does the opinion editor know that only adjectives, not quantifiers, can be stacked in front of the noun they modify? Of course she does. Does Gov. Sarah Palin know the difference between a country and a continent? Of course she does.

My point is that everyone makes mistakes that make them look foolish from time to time. Luckily, most of us are not in the national spotlight; cameras don’t allow a second chance. Otherwise, we too could be judged fools for the dumb things we do.

In the same way that I can look past Palin’s occasional gaffe or painful colloquialism to the popular and skillful politician who has won local and statewide elections, I can forgive Sonies’ simple – but glaring – proofreading error. I am assuming that Sarah Sonies is the opinion editor for a good reason. It would be a shame if everyone thought she were ignorant because of an error that could have been detected by revising at least once what she had written.

Nathan A. Shifflette

Dear Editor,

First of all, I wanted to say how much I appreciated the thoughtful and generous article you wrote last week describing Sen. John McCain’s concession speech and President-elect Obama’s victory. It was nice to finally hear some kind words said about McCain, who is an American hero.

However, after reading your next article in which you blasted Gov. Sarah Palin one last time, I regret to say that I must wholeheartedly disagree with you on many fronts.

The Obama supporters and many McCain supporters – including myself – have said that we all need to come together and help this country move forward. In fact, you yourself said last week that you admired McCain’s speech in which he called for just that. Then, however, you turn around and begin to smear McCain’s running mate one last time. I mean, honestly, isn’t it time we moved on?

How are we supposed to move forward and come together when you continue to take shots at someone who represented our ticket in this election? I’m sure you are a wonderful person and I mean no ill will, but with all due respect, I am appalled at your continued assault on this woman. You certainly are entitled to your opinion and I rightfully
accept that.

After reading your article, I am sad to say that the entire story is not being told. For instance, you made reference to Palin’s lack of knowledge in knowing the difference between a continent and a country when it comes to Africa. You cited a report aired on “The O’Reilly Factor.” However, according to The New York Times, these sources chose to remain anonymous and refused to go on the record.

There also was no mention of the several top McCain advisors who did go on the record and absolutely disputed everything you listed in your article. In fact, according to several blogs, campaign foreign policy advisor Steve Biegun said, “There’s no way (Palin) didn’t know Africa was a continent, and whoever is saying she didn’t must be distorting a fumble of words.” Biegun then went on to say that he and Palin had many conversations about Sudan and the genocide that is taking place in Darfur and that at no time did she ever mistake Africa for a country.

Also according to blogs, Biegun said he was part of the
conversation that led to that accusation of Palin not knowing what countries were in the North American Free Trade Agreement, and it convinced him, “Somebody is acting with a high degree of maliciousness.” Biegun was briefing Palin before an interview, and talking to her about trade issues. He rolled through NAFTA, the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and the Colombia FTA. According to blogs, as he talked, people were coming in and out of the room, handing Palin things, etc. She was distracted from what Biegun was saying, and said, roughly, “OK, who’s in NAFTA, what is the deal with CAFTA, what’s up with the FTA?”-her way, Biegun says, of saying “rack them and stack them.”

“Somebody is taking a conversation and twisting it maliciously,” Biegun said.

Campaign Manager Steve Schmidt, along several others, also went on record with Politico, a political news and blog Web site, and adamantly denied all the accusations that unnamed sources were saying about Palin.

Let’s take this for what it is: people within the Republican Party are already beginning plans for the 2012 primary season and they are trying to suppress Palin in an effort to benefit whoever their choice may be for the next election. Anyone who is not willing to go on record on something of this magnitude should not even be taken seriously in the first place.

Personally, I felt your article was overly critical of a woman who, among many other things, created an economic surplus in Alaska, secured a natural gas pipeline and inspired millions of people across this country. She was turning out crowds every bit as big as Obama. It seems possible that Palin may run for the Alaska Senate seat that is currently held by Sen. Ted Stevens. I hope she does and gets to prove to America, once and for all, that she is far more intelligent and qualified than particular media outlets would like us to believe.

Lee Vogler

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