Friday of observance


In a once-in-a-millennium event,
this past Friday marked a statistically
astounding number of religious
celebrations, according to a recent
report by Time Magazine. These
celebrations involved almost every
major religion.

In a once-in-a-millennium event,
this past Friday marked a statistically
astounding number of religious
celebrations, according to a recent
report by Time Magazine. These
celebrations involved almost every
major religion.

Good Friday-a Christian
commemoration of the crucifixion
of Jesus Christ at Calvary

Purim-a Jewish celebration of
deliverance from annihilation as
recorded in the “Book of Esther”

Norouz-the Persian New Year,
which is observed by most major
cultures of ancient Mesopotamia

Eid Milad-un-Nabi-the birthday
celebration of Muhammad, central
figure of the Islamic religion

Small Holi-a Hindu festival
incorporating bonfires and dancing

Magha Puja-a Buddhist
celebration of the religion’s first
group of followers, primarily
observed in Thailand

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