
Actions count! Elections matter! Leadership is important! Your
voice must be heard! You must vote-all of you!

This election is a classic contest between yesterday and tomorrow.
It is a clear choice between either old-style, top-down, in-the-club,
résumé-padding usual politics or progressive, student-empowered,
bottom-up servant leadership.

The Students-for-Positive-Change party thinks that best government
comes from you. While we are smart, hard-working, well-experienced
campus leaders with a lot of ideas, we don’t play the in-game-we
don’t pretend to know all the answers. Our best skills are in listening
and in getting things done. We are one of you. Our experience has
come from quietly and effectively working to make things better, by
doing-not talking.

From the bottom of our beings, we passionately believe in your
wisdom, your basic wish to help one another, your desire to create
a better university. Our goal is to put your collective voices into

So shout! Let your voices be heard! Vote! Not by yourself. Not by
the dozens. Not by the hundreds. Vote by the thousands! Shout and
the university will listen. On March 25, 26 and 27, let your voices
be heard. A year from now, you won’t believe what, together, we
have done. You will be proud. This is your VCU! Actions Count!
Act! Vote!

Students for Positive Change

Jibran Muhammad

Adam Sowder

Solle Taghavi

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