British cartoon creates controversial character

“Mr. Men,” a comedic cartoon for children
has introduced a new character that might have
some people talking.

“Mr. Rude,” the newest addition to the series
that began in 1975, is a red triangular-shaped
creature that breaks wind and speaks with a
heavy French accent.

The spokesperson for Channel Five, the
channel on which “Mr. Men” is airing,
says that the characterization for Mr. Rude
was meant to be tongue-in-cheek and
inoffensive. It is hard to gauge the sentiment
of the 300,000 French citizens who reside
in Britain toward the character. The
French Embassy in London has declined to

Newly freed prisoners abandoned by bus driver

A Greyhound bus full of freshly paroled or
released prisoners was en route to Dallas, Texas,
this past week when the bus driver pulled over
60 miles from their destination.

The bus driver informed her passengers that
her shift was over and another driver would be
along to finish the trip. A clerk was working in
a convenience store adjacent to where the bus
was parked. The clerk called the police, who
describe the passenger’s behavior as “exemplary.”
Eventually, three drivers arrived, among them,
the driver who’d left the bus in the first place.

Man mistakes bar patrons for bears

Daniel Pement was charged with six counts
of misdemeanor assault after allegedly spraying
patrons with bear repellent spray, twice.

On Saturday, after being escorted out of the
bar, Pement allegedly returned a few minutes
later and began spraying other bar attendees.
After the police arrived, they confiscated the
bear spray – only to be called back Sunday for
the same offense. Pement had acquired another
can of spray.

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