Opinion in Brief


Day of silence: Yesterday a number of student and community organizations united to participate in a National Day of Silence to commemorate the victims of discrimination and violence against sexual minorities and inspire discussion about the issues facing the sexual minority community.

Day of silence

Yesterday a number of student and community organizations united to participate in a National Day of Silence to commemorate the victims of discrimination and violence against sexual minorities and inspire discussion about the issues facing the sexual minority community.

These members of our society are often shoved into a corner and forgotten, our mass media afraid to address issues regarding sexuality outside exagerrated stereotypes like “Will and Grace” and “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy.” Our political discussion, too, seems to be slanted against homosexuals’ right to marry, focusing mainly on civil unions.

No one is saying that churches should be forced to marry people against their wishes – freedom of religion protects churches from that. But freedom of religion also means that people in a free society like ours should be able to live according to their own beliefs.

Our history as Americans has been one long, slow march toward living up to our ideals of liberty and justice for all. Let’s hope that silence – self-imposed or otherwise – doesn’t keep us from taking the next step.

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