Letters to the Editor
To the Editor: The liberal bias in your college campus newspaper is extremely unsettling. I read your paper periodically, and every time I do, I get skewed facts and misrepresentations galore. You are misleading our student body if you continue this. Please include both a liberal and conservative voice in your columns.
To the Editor:
The liberal bias in your college campus newspaper is extremely unsettling. I read your paper periodically, and every time I do, I get skewed facts and misrepresentations galore. You are misleading our student body if you continue this.
Please include both a liberal and conservative voice in your columns. The vulgarity and hatred of President Bush is incredible and short-sighted. “Fair and balanced” should be your motto, and you clearly are not.
With the elections coming up, I demand some fairness for once, and would appreciate a reply. All I ask for is for both sides to be heard, and not have so many Bush-haters writing for you. It would be ludicrous not to see the error of this paper’s ways.
I know that your policy is that Op/Ed columns do not reflect the views of the paper; however, I am sure that you can make room for both a liberal and conservative column instead of the usual onslaught of negative left-slanted articles.
Josh Henry
Editor’s reply:
You are correct that the views of our writers do not represent the opinion of the Commonwealth Times. We publish only as many opinions as we receive, and all opinions are welcome. Feel free to write whenever you feel your opinion has not been represented.