Letters to the Editor


To Anthony:

Thank you for your article on animal testing in last week’s VCU Commonwealth Times.

It is encouraging to know that The Commonwealth Times is willing to bring potentially contentious issues, such as those of animal dissection, vivisection and testing, to the forefront for further dialogue, investigation, clarification and consideration by the student body.

To Anthony:

Thank you for your article on animal testing in last week’s VCU Commonwealth Times.

It is encouraging to know that The Commonwealth Times is willing to bring potentially contentious issues, such as those of animal dissection, vivisection and testing, to the forefront for further dialogue, investigation, clarification and consideration by the student body. Only through a deeper understanding of these issues can progress be expected. Thank you for contributing to that deeper understanding.

Kindest regards,

April Kung

Editor’s Note: The Commonwealth TImes publishes letters from our readers that are addressed to writers as well as letters to the editor.

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