While you were out
‘American Idol’ On Wednesday night Carmen took her long awaited departure from the show. There were no surprises. As Clay, Ruben and Kimberly were on fire; Trenyce, Carmen and Joshua found themselves in the bottom three. The biggest surprise of the night was that Trenyce was the first to be sent back to safety.
‘American Idol’
On Wednesday night Carmen took her long awaited departure from the show. There were no surprises. As Clay, Ruben and Kimberly were on fire; Trenyce, Carmen and Joshua found themselves in the bottom three. The biggest surprise of the night was that Trenyce was the first to be sent back to safety. Looks like being a U.S. Marine can only get Josh so far. The show has reached the point where the next elimination will truly be felt. Can you imagine “American Idol” without Josh’s quips or Trenyce’s Whitney Houston style? However, the show will also be that much more interesting because in light of Kim’s recent success with the judges and with America, Clay and Ruben who have yet to see the bottom three.
‘That 70’s Show’
I know that I wasn’t the only one heartbroken when Jackie broke up with Hyde. He had cheated on her in the previous episode with a girl at the nurse’s convention, but only after he thought Jackie had hooked up with Kelso.
The show ended with Jackie storming out on him after responding “I don’t love you” to his “I love you.” Hopefully we will see these two get back together. After the breakup Kelso warned Hyde that he would be going after Jackie. Eric and Donna countered Red’s mandate to move up the wedding with a threat to move to Madison. We’ll see if this will actually happen, my bet’s that it won’t. This episode was also eventful in that it featured the return of a new, supposedly sweet, Laurie, Eric’s sister who has only been in a few episodes this season. Fez’s dream about Kelso giving him a sponge bath was spread around school when Fez refused to give Mitch (Seth Green) a driver’s license.
Next week the water tower gets vandalized again and Red gives Eric and Donna his blessing to move.