Brain freeze, parking and 1000 words in picture form


Dear Bob, I appreciate your words of advice. You’ve been of much aid to me and my questioning mind. Hey bud, I have another question for you if you wouldn’t mind answering it. It is the following: What is the deal with “brain freeze?” What are the physiological occurences during such an episode? “Brain freeze” is of course the affliction that many of us are familiar with, when you are eating ice cream too quickly and in the nasal/forehead area there begins a feeling of excrutiating pain.

Dear Bob,

I appreciate your words of advice. You’ve been of much aid to me and my questioning mind.

Hey bud, I have another question for you if you wouldn’t mind answering it. It is the following: What is the deal with “brain freeze?” What are the physiological occurences during such an episode?

“Brain freeze” is of course the affliction that many of us are familiar with, when you are eating ice cream too quickly and in the nasal/forehead area there begins a feeling of excrutiating pain.

Are brain cells being damaged? Is this something to worry about if it occurs nearly every time ice cream is eaten, no matter how slowly? Have doctors just past this one by? Why do we not know a cure?

But more importantly, is there permanent damage from this terrible pestilence known as “brain freeze”?

Thank you Bob,
Jimmy Boombada

Brain freeze is a terrible affliction that affects millions of people every year. This condition has been linked to the notorious (though recently quiet) N.o.S.L.U.R.P. (Nation of Slurpee Looting Underground Raiding Persons).

This band of hoodlums have been linked to many Slurpee capers in the past, including causing the Slurpee machines to break at the Main Street location last semester.

The brain freeze is their main method of attack, since it cripples the victim and makes it easier for N.o.S.L.U.R.P. to accomplish their agenda.

It seems you also mention ice cream as another cause of brain freeze. Let me assure you this is completely related.

N.o.S.L.U.R.P. has a division devoted to ice-cream brain freezes. They are just as devious, though more plentiful. They infiltrate the grocers and ice-cream parlors of America.

Brain freezes are harmless though. No matter how frozen your brain gets or how must ice cream you eat and Slurpees you consume, you will be OK. Just walk it off.

Really, just breathe deeply and let that warm summer air into your lungs and let it warm you up.

Unless you are trying to consumer ice cream and Slurpees during the winter months when there is no warm air. In that case, it was nice knowing you.



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