Soap Box


Now there is a scary group of people. They control the color chart of impending doom. What kind of organization are they, that they need a color chart to let us know of doom.

Have the residents of this country become so dumbed down by public education and television that we need colors to tell us when things go wrong?

I hope not.

Now there is a scary group of people. They control the color chart of impending doom. What kind of organization are they, that they need a color chart to let us know of doom.

Have the residents of this country become so dumbed down by public education and television that we need colors to tell us when things go wrong?

I hope not. However, it seems that way. This department has been formed to let us know if we can expect anything to go wrong. I bet, overall, they will have an accuracy rivaling meterologists.

Well, we might be attacked by foreign extremists today but I doubt it. It will also be cloudy with 30 percent chance of rain and terrorism.

I do not know about you, but I feel it is high time we took our lives into our own hands in this country and stopped being so afraid of everything.

What are we so scared of? Everything! Every night the news tells us of something else we need to be afraid of. Cabbages can kill you. What you may not know about your multivitamin can kill you. And of course, we need to be reminded of how many shootings, plane crashes, car crashes, train wrecks, unknown diseases and natural disasters there are every day.

When I turn on the news, I demand there be more puppies. Puppies and kittens mixed in with some pink fluffy bunnies would do everyone a world of good. No one can be afraid of them.

Is there nothing going on in this country than the war? I am going to school and work. How about you? I would love to know what is going on in this country for once. I do not care about embedded journalists. I do not care about how many people died in Iraq, Kuwait, France, Germany, Russia or Guam.

I want to know how many people are getting shafted by large corporations that cannot seem to count.

How many people lost their jobs as the airline industry’s revenue dropped through the floor?

We’ll never know. No one will report it. If it happens and no one reports it, does it really occur?

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