While you were out


‘Six Feet Under’ In a characteristically twisted season premiere, “Six Feet Under” begins with Nate dying during surgery. He then meets his father, who died at the beginning of the first season, and goes through different “what if?” situations, such as if he had stayed with Brenda and had kids or if he had married another woman and ended up living in a trailer park.

‘Six Feet Under’

In a characteristically twisted season premiere, “Six Feet Under” begins with Nate dying during surgery. He then meets his father, who died at the beginning of the first season, and goes through different “what if?” situations, such as if he had stayed with Brenda and had kids or if he had married another woman and ended up living in a trailer park. Then we realize that he was really never dead and it flashes forward quite a few months past the surgery. Nate is now married to Lisa, the mother of his child, but he keeps having a few deja vu’s about the time when he thought that he was dead. Claire sleeps with a guy who she meets while dropping off a dead body for her brothers, Nate and David, who inherited a funeral home. David is in couples’ therapy with his boyfriend, Keith, and ends up trying out for a gay man’s choir to expand his horizons. Ruth, Nate’s mother, is getting extremely attached to baby Maya, much to Lisa’s annoyance. The episode comes full-circle with a repeat of one of the scenes that Nate went through when he thought he was dead. He and Lisa are seated on the floor talking about Maya and cuddling with her as a Coldplay song plays in the background.

‘Married by America’

Goodbye Joe. Hello ultimate blind dating. Yes, it’s all true. Five singles have thrown themselves up on the old auction block to be married to perfect strangers. But, of course, they’ve chosen the super-intelligent “Married by America” viewers to make what used to be a sacred and all-important decision for them. The premiere that aired Monday night was like a cross between the Miss America pageants and “Who Wants to be a Millionaire.” First, the 25 men and women who were hoping to wed one of the five singles told the audience why they should “vote for them.” Then, in pairs of five, they were grilled by a panel of three people close to the singles. Cuts were made and more cuts will be made on Wednesday. Tune in next Monday night to see the men on bending knees.

American Idol

Contestants on last Tuesday’s wild card show gave the best auditions yet. Simon announced that instead of a final 10 there would be a final 12. The judges will choose three from the wild card group and American will choose one. I was especially excited because Clay and his adorable ears came back and blew everyone away. He is a shoo-in for the final twelve.

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