Letters to the Editor
The fate of Social Security Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter to Congress addressing the reader’s concerns about Social Security reform. Dear Congress, I ask that you, on behalf of my fellow school mates, to strongly consider supporting Social Security reform.
The fate of Social Security
Editor’s Note: The following is an open letter to Congress addressing the reader’s concerns about Social Security reform.
Dear Congress,
I ask that you, on behalf of my fellow school mates, to strongly consider supporting Social Security reform.
Recently, I have learned that we are not currently paying into the Social Security trust fund.
We are paying the Social Security benefits for current retirees. We were always under the impression that we were paying into a retirement trust fund, similar to what you may consider a retirement annuity.
Will Social Security be around when we retire?
Are we paying into an inefficient, broken, misleading and bedraggled federal retirement system?
We are asking that you allow us, the taxpayers, the opportunity to invest a portion of our Social Security payroll taxes. We want more control over our retirement, future and destiny!
Antione Green, a VCU student
Working the Web
Dear editors,
Nice job! Glad to see that The Commonwealth Times can now be read on the Internet.
(via commonwealthtimes.com)
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