Adulting 101: Time and stress management


Illustration by Liz DeFluri.

Nati Feliciano-Soto, Contributing Writer 

Stress and time management is a very underestimated aspect of life. Many jobs offer orientation materials designed to tell their employees how to manage their time and stress factors — all while throwing unlivable wages and piles of tasks for them to do in just an eight-hour shift. That’s not very kind if you ask me. 

Other sources of community, such as schools, universities and social media, give us the same workload and message. It can be suffocating at times to not understand how to cope, as from birth you are bombarded with responsibilities. Do you know how I, as a functioning adult and full-time student have excelled in stress and time management? Well, I haven’t. I know, we’re screwed. 

I am just kidding, but here is the harsh truth: Stress and time management are not for the weak. Between family obligations, being forced to work full-time, bills upon bills, monthly or annual payments and doctor visits. and even with the idea of starting a human petting zoo — what some people call “having children” — we can become severely overwhelmed. 

Being a full-time student, who is bombarded with this much responsibility, could make anyone want to crawl into a hole and lay there for an eternity.

Despite the burden of reality that is faced before us, you should not have to feel this way. What does not kill you makes you stronger — and no, I’m not quoting a Kelly Clarkson song. 

I am trying to assure every reader who comes across this that we are all trying to figure it out, whether it is utilizing stupid TikTok routines or using some unconventional yet effective ways to tackle stress and time management.

The goal of keeping your sanity intact is worth trying for. This is why within personal life experiences I have gathered an idea of how we as humans can cope and manage both our stress and time

Embrace the art of procrastination wisely: We have all been told that procrastination is the enemy of productivity, but what if I told you it could be your ally? By strategically procrastinating on less urgent tasks, you can focus your energy on the ones that truly matter. Just make sure you don’t end up binge-watching cat videos instead. 

Master the fine art of saying “no”: You are not a superhero — unless you are, in which case, please share your secrets. Learn to decline additional responsibilities that will only add to your stress pile. Politely decline that extra project or social event, and use the newfound time to recharge your batteries. 

Find humor in the chaos: Life is a chaotic mess, and sometimes the best way to deal with it is to laugh in its face. Find humor in the absurdity of your situation, whether it is your boss’s unrealistic expectations or the fact that your professor gave you a zero because you forgot to get an MLA citation right. Laughter truly is the best medicine, even if it is slightly maniacal at times. 

Embrace the idea of technology: Technology is your best friend in the battle against time management. From iPhone reminders and calendars to Siri and Alexa, please utilize the gift of the 21st century. Write down your tasks, prioritize them and revel in the satisfaction of crossing them off one by one. Also, if you can scroll through social media for endless hours, you can take 10 seconds out of your day to write down a reminder for an assignment’s due date.

Practice self-compassion: You are only human, and humans are notoriously imperfect creatures. Cut yourself some slack when things inevitably go awry. Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a friend in need. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is your stress-free empire. 

So, my fellow stress-induced warriors, take a deep breath — or several — and remember that you are not alone in this chaotic journey called life. 

With a dash of humor, a sprinkle of self-compassion and a hefty dose of procrastination — the strategic kind, of course — you’ll conquer stress and time management like the resilient champ that you are. Now, go forth and tackle that to-do list like the boss you were born to be!

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