Michael Rao’s op-ed supporting Navy Hill was ghostwritten by developer


A public relations consultant for NH District Corp helped draft the op-ed based on an interview with Rao. Commonwealth Times File photo.

Hannah Eason, News Editor

Katie Hollowell, Contributing Writer


A Richmond Times-Dispatch op-ed signed by VCU President Michael Rao endorsing the proposed Navy Hill project, which would redevelop the downtown area, was written by the project’s developer.

A public relations consultant for NH District Corp., Jeff Kelley, helped draft the op-ed based on an interview with Rao, according to emails sent by university spokesperson Pamela Lepley. The Richmond Times-Dispatch details emails between Kelley and university relations staff that illustrate the collaboration between the two parties.

“It is normal for public relations professionals to collaborate on projects of mutual interest,” Lepley said in a news release. “When VCU was interested in submitting an op-ed on the proposal, Jeff Kelley offered a draft for us to work from based on an interview he had conducted with President Rao.”

Activate Virginia, a progressive organization, published emails between Lepley and Daniel Woodward, a member of the university relations staff, that reference Kelley’s role in drafting the op-ed. Virginia Public Media reports that Jeff Thomas, an author and opponent of the Navy Hill plan, obtained the records via a Freedom of Information Act request.

Lepley sent the drafted op-ed in an email to Woodward and Teresa Dulaney-Dewald in early December. Lepley said in a second email that Kelley helped draft the post.

“By the way, Jeff Kelley helped draft this based on interview he did with the president earlier — so hopefully he has captured Mike’s content and voice pretty well,” Lepley wrote.

The messages include multiple drafts of the op-ed, which was published on Jan. 6.

“I accepted the offer and the draft was vetted and edited by my communications team and reviewed by the president to make sure it accurately reflected his words and position,” Lepley said in a news release.

The Navy Hill Redevelopment plan, which Mayor Levar Stoney introduced almost two years ago, is projected to cost $1.5 billion and redevelop 10 blocks of downtown.

NH District Corp’s plan to redevelop the downtown area includes a new arena replacing the Richmond Coliseum, a hotel and affordable housing. The plan still needs approval from City Council, which has an advisory commission devoted to the project.

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4 thoughts on “Michael Rao’s op-ed supporting Navy Hill was ghostwritten by developer

  1. The important part you left out was that RAO sent this out as his own work. Executive Editor Paige Mudd said, “No, we would not have published it. While we understand that people who submit op-eds to the RTD will sometimes receive editing help or other information from colleagues, we would not have knowingly published a piece in support of the NH project that was written by the NH spokesman and signed by the president of VCU.” So what you meant to say was “President of VCU passes off another’s work as his own”. You’re welcome. Zero tolerance for plagiarism at VCU no? Or is it “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander”?

    1. Wilson, Patrick. “VCU President’s Column Endorsing NH District Corp.’s Coliseum Plan Was Written by NH District Corp.” Richmond Times-Dispatch, 4 Sept. 2019,

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