Mark Robinson
Executive Editor

The 2013-14 school year brings a swath of changes for The Commonwealth Times.

The CT will no longer publish twice a week. Instead, we’ll publish a weekly issue on Mondays. It was not a financially driven decision, but rather one grounded in an organizational desire to cover campus better for our readership.

The transition from twice-a-week to once-a-week publishing will allow us to pursue longer, more meaningful stories. We plan to write more features and investigative pieces to better carry out our duty as a campus watchdog.

To boot, these stories will be published in a new-look CT.

Our team of designers has worked for the last three months to revamp the newspaper. From this point, we’ll print on larger, higher-quality paper. Photos, illustrations and infographics will print in full color throughout each issue. We’ve included a larger comic section for when you’re tired of reading. A games section is also in the works.

We’re also launching a new website. And for the first time, The CT has a staff dedicated solely to online news.

Our seven-person online team will update our website, Facebook page and Twitter account with breaking news and campus happenings on a daily basis. We’ll pair more stories with multimedia content to supplement our writing. Expect more videos. Expect more slideshows. Expect more interactive graphics.

The changes we’re making aren’t uncommon for news organizations fighting for attention in the digital age. In fact, we may be making them a little late. But we’re making them now because we want to do our jobs better and we want to deliver news to you the way you consume it.

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