CAA men’s basketball preseason prognostications


Adam Stern, Jim Swing and Quinn Casteel make their preseason predictions for top teams, an All-CAA First Team and Player of the Year

Adam Stern Jim Swing Quinn Casteel
Executive Editor Sports Editor Assistant Sports Editor
  1. Drexel
  2. George Mason
  3. VCU
  4. Old Dominion
  5. William & Mary
  6. James Madison
  7. Delaware
  8. Hofstra
  9. UNC Wilmington
  10. Georgia State
  11. Northeastern
  12. Towson
  1. Drexel
  2. VCU
  3. George Mason
  4. William & Mary
  5. Old Dominion
  6. James Madison
  7. Hofstra
  8. Delaware
  9. Northeastern
  10. UNC Wilmington
  11. Georgia State
  12. Towson
  1. VCU
  2. George Mason
  3. Drexel
  4. Old Dominion
  5. Hofstra
  6. James Madison
  7. William & Mary
  8. Georgia State
  9. Northeastern
  10. Delaware
  11. UNC Wilmington
  12. Towson
All-CAA First Team
Bradford Burgess, VCU
Ryan Pearson, GMU
Devon Saddler, Delaware
Samme Givens, Drexel
Kent Bazemore, ODU
Bradford Burgess, VCU
Kent Bazemore, ODU
Samme Givens, Drexel
Quinn McDowell, W&M
Devon Saddler, Delaware
Bradford Burgess, VCU
Ryan Pearson, GMU
Quinn McDowell, W&M
Chris Fouch, Drexel
Kent Bazemore, ODU
Player of the Year
Bradford Burgess, VCU Bradford Burgess, VCU Bradford Burgess, VCU

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