May Day 2010: Hundreds rally, march for workers rights


Erica Terrini

News Editor

The citywide participation, including student organizations, in the national workers’ rights movement began Friday with workshops in the William Byrd Community House and extended to Saturday, May 1, with a continuation of workshops at Gallery 5, closing with a rally and march at Abner Clay Park.

According to student organizer Joseph “Daniel” Bickett, the rally and march were almost called off because city officials would not grant participants a permit to march. A petition with more than 350 signatures was drafted and the permit was eventually obtained days before the event.

May Day RVA 2010 organizers estimated hundreds of people attended the rally and march or May Day or International Workers Day, which began at the park (at the intersection of Clay and Brook Roads in Jackson Ward).

Protestors played music and carried large banners, signs and hand-crafted puppets from the park, down Clay St. to Harrison St. and then headed back to the park – traveling down Broad St.  and Brook Road. The Richmond Police Department blocked off the marchers’ route.

Students for social action also hosted a workshop on Friday and its members participated in the rally and march on Saturday.

2 thoughts on “May Day 2010: Hundreds rally, march for workers rights

  1. A big thanks to the Commonwealth Times from Students for Social Action for their coverage of May Day! Far too often do progressive causes go ignored by the mainstream media, so it is good to see you all being a news source that actually reports ALL the news, and provides good coverage of it, not just the news those at the top want people to know.

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